Monday, November 1, 2010

Parlor Tricks

Happy Monday everyone!  I decided to devote this blog entry to explaining how David Feuerborn, Thomas Jennings and Larry Shultz have been so successful at this con.   I deem it a successful con because according to the Criminal Case they have raised a substantial sum of money with this "chemical".

To begin, Feuerborn discovered one very hazardous and chlorinated chemical has the ability to separate hydrocarbons from solids.  We derive this information based on the California Department of Corporations Desist and Refrain Order and the Petro-Sog Case.  We have to assume that this discovery was made in the early 1990s according to the information discovered in the Petro-Sog Case.   Due to the extreme toxicity of the chemical, and the fact that only one chemical comprised Feuerborn's "solvent", it was necessary to create some mystique and, most importantly, fake documentation.

So What is the Sales Pitch?:

When I purchased ESS stock I was told that there was a special blending method and a multitude of chemicals were used to create R6000 (the name of the solvent when it was sold to ESS investors).  From my discussions with other ESS investors I have been apprised of stories that they tell to non-chemists.  These stories range from shocking the chemical in order to change its polarity to the utilization of a special "black box" that blends the chemicals in a certain order to remove toxicity.  This is all garbage.  While I am a Bio-Engineer, I have a background in rudimentary chemistry.  I can tell you that shocking an organic substance will not change its polarity and blending multiple organic chemicals together will not make a toxic chemical non-toxic.  If this had been Feuerborn's sales pitch when I purchased the ESS stock I would have walked out of the room immediately.  (I almost did walk out of the room because Tom was so arrogant at the meeting.)  If the two organic chemicals are miscible in one another then they might alter the main chemical's properties (flash point, boiling point, etc.), but that is it.

Feuerborn and Jennings also boasted that the chemical passed an aquatic toxicity test.  This is my favorite con of them all.  Let's assume that they really used R6000 in the test.  (I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even use it to conduct the test.)  If you have a toxic chemical that is not soluble in water and has a specific gravity that is heavier than water then it can pass this misleading test.  The chemical will rest on the bottom of the fish tank and the fish are not exposed to the chemical's toxicity.   This doesn't mean that the chemical is non-toxic.  Personally I think this was a forged test, but even if it wasn't there is a way that a toxic chemical can successfully pass the aquatic minnow test.

I believe Feuerborn began learning from his mistakes and altered the con accordingly.  In the Petro-Sog Case one of David's partners told a Petro-Sog employee what was in the "solvent".   Thus, Petro-Sog sued Feuerborn because it is extremely toxic stuff.   They have learned that no matter how deep a company gets involved with them that they cannot disclose the chemical's makeup, because the fraud will be immediately uncovered.  Also, how would the EPA allow a machine to operate anywhere in the U.S. if there is a risk that carcinogenic chemicals will escape into the atmosphere. 

Next, when I purchased my ESS stock I was told that the solvent was patent pending.  Others have been told that it's held in a trade secret.  The patent pending claim was a complete lie.  If Feuerborn patented the solvent then the toxicity would be revealed.   Also, I was told it was patent pending in the early 2000s and  there is still nothing posted on the USPTO website.  The California Department of Corporations Desist and Refrain Order also states that this was a lie told to investors.  According to the Civil Case Complaint this same lie was told to Freestone by David Feuerborn.  Personally, I am shocked at the audacity of Feuerborn, Jennings and Shultz by perpetuating this lie as recently as last year!

That's all for today folks.  I will be back with more information soon!

-ESS Investor


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