Friday, November 19, 2010

Courtroom Drama

I put a phone call in to Freestone’s office to ask if anyone from the company attended the hearing on Wednesday.  I spoke to an individual at the company that attended the hearing, and he gave me a play-by-play of what occurred.  I will keep his identity anonymous out of respect for his privacy.  I have no ill will towards their company, because they have been hurt by this scam just as all the ESS investors have been hurt.    

Usually federal court hearings are pretty bland, but I am told that this one had a little excitement.  To begin, David Feuerborn and Thomas Jennings did not show up.  Neil Evans (David Feuerborn’s criminal attorney) was present as well as the new third partner, Larry Shultz

It sounds as if this hearing was more exciting than an episode of Law & Order.  I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall at this hearing, because according to my source at the company Larry Shultz was thrown out of the courtroom by Judge O’Connor for speaking out of turn while in the gallery.  Now I am more inclined than ever to get a transcript of the proceedings so I can find out exactly what was said that angered the Judge.  Shultz wasn’t just warned.  He was thrown out!  Not the best first impression on a Judge that will be presiding over your case if you ask me.  I wonder if the Judge knows about the criminal charges that have been brought against Feuerborn and Jennings by the U.S. Attorney's Office.  It looks as if this guy Shultz is now completely intertwined in their chemical scam, and if he has been involved in raising money for them he might be involved in their criminal activities which include defrauding the federal government, and tax fraud.  I hope someone investigates and follows the recent money transactions.    
(Note: The Judge allowed Shultz to come back in to testify as a witness in the hearing.  While on the stand Shultz apologized for his outburst.  It will be interesting to see what he said on the stand, and if it conflicts with any information that is known about the chemical scam.)

After the discovery of this news I am going to order a complete transcript of the proceedings.  I will update everyone when I get it. 

-ESS Investor


  1. Is there a way I can contact you? (Author)

  2. Sure. Reply with your email and we can begin a correspondence.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. James,
    I deleted your comment that contained your email. I am sure it's an email address you just set up to make contact, but I wanted to preserve the anonymity of my contacts.
