Monday, November 15, 2010

Patent Scam

Hello blogosphere!  I have touched on today's subject in a previous blog post, but I would like to focus on the results of my recent due diligence.  David and Tom claim that the “solvent” is patent pending.  They have been making this claim since 2003.  The California Department of Corporations’ Desist and Refrain Order states, in section 4 (c), that the patent pending claim was a lie that David and Tom told to investors.  Clearly the California Department of Corporations did a search and investigation into the issue and discovered that neither the “solvent” nor the process was not patent pending. Freestone also claims that David and Tom made this same misrepresentation. 

Thus, I decided to conduct a patent search under the name “David Feuerborn”.  Google has a great tool for searching the patent records.  The only thing that shows up is a patent for a needle safety shield.  Why haven’t David and Tom filed a patent application?  I think I articulated that point very well in my previous blog post:

“The patent pending claim was a complete lie.  If Feuerborn patented the solvent then the toxicity would be revealed.   Also, I was told it was patent pending in the early 2000s and there is still nothing posted on the USPTO website.  The California Department of Corporations Desist and Refrain Order also states that this was a lie told to investors.  According to the Civil Case Complaint this same lie was told to Freestone by David Feuerborn.  Personally, I am shocked at the audacity of Feuerborn, Jennings and Shultz by perpetuating this lie as recently as last year!” 

- ESS Investor

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