Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Plea to Government Agencies -- Please Stop This Scam

A couple of weeks ago I received two anonymous tips that told me David Feuerborn has begun to sell jewelry he purchased with ESS money.  One of these tipsters emailed me again and told me that David is continuing to liquidate assets in order to pay attorney’s fees, sustain his overpriced lifestyle and to continue the scam in a new corporation.

Why isn’t this money going to the Internal Revenue Service or ESS investors that were defrauded?  It doesn’t seem right that David should be able to use our investment money to defraud more innocent investors!  In his mind, and the mind of his accomplices (Larry Shultz and Tom Jennings), they know that if the money stops then the chemical scam gravy train will stop once and for all.  David has been conning investors since 1990 with this scam by claiming that his chemical is non-toxic and environmentally safe when it is actually a toxic, chlorinated, carcinogenic, non-proprietary chemical.  He has been conning investors for so long that he doesn’t know any other way to make money, and it has been a very lucrative con for him.  This scam has allowed him to purchase numerous exotic, custom-made cars, motorcycles, expensive jewelry, condominiums, earn a $15,000 a month (TAX FREE) salary, etc.     

When will this insanity stop?  When will the IRS seize Feuerborn’s and Jennings’ assets so they cannot use the money to continue this massive fraud on more investors!?!?!  I know that a long prison sentence will help stop this scam, but David and Tom have a month before they go to the Federal Penitentiary.  They also have a front man, Larry Shultz, continuing to defraud more investors for them while they are locked up.

Federal and State regulatory agencies--please hear our plea and help put an end to this investment scam once and for all!

-ESS Investor       

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