Friday, October 22, 2010

Another Continuance...

Yesterday a stipulation was filed in the Criminal Case.  It was filed by the U.S. Attorney's office in cooperation with the attorneys representing Feuerborn and Jennings.  This stipulation is a request for yet another continuance of the Criminal Case.   This stipulation cites the same reasons for the continuance as listed in the previous request.  Primarily it states that Neil C. Evans (the attorney for David Feuerborn) had family issues during the months of June, July and August so he could not devote enough time to the Criminal Case.  (Personal Note:  We know of one other case, the Civil Case, in which Mr. Evans represents all the Defendants (including Feuerborn and Jennings) against Freestone Resources.  If Mr. Evans doesn't have enough time for their Criminal Case then why is he the attorney of record in the Civil Case which was filed well after their Criminal Case?  How many other cases has he taken on since the Criminal Case?)

I hope this is not another stall tactic by the Defendants so they can continue to sell ESS stock, or stock in one of their other companies.  It would appear that they have created many companies with many product names since ESS and R6000.  It would also appear that new people are involved that front for their companies according to the Civil Case.  I also believe their travel is still restricted to central California, Texas and Louisiana.

One might ask why the U.S. Attorney agreed such a lengthy continuance?  Maybe he  has more evidence against Feuerborn and Jennings that he would like the opportunity to pursue.  It is really all speculation at this point.  I know we all want the same thing; we want to see this scam stopped once and for all.  It looks like we will have to wait until January.

I will keep watching for any more updates on PACER.

-ESS Investor  

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