Thursday, June 23, 2011

What a Tangled Web We Weave

Apparently we have a firestorm brewing in Texas, and I’m not talking about all the wildfires on the news lately.  In the Civil Case, the counsel for the Plaintiff (Freestone), Mr. Alfonso, fired back at Mr. Evans' Emergency Motion stating, among other things, that it was not put together properly, not in compliance with local rules, and pointed out that Mr. Evans knew about his conflicts multiple days before he notified the Plaintiff.  It looks like he intentionally waited until the 11th hour to notify Freestone in order to cause undue hardship on them, and stall the depositions so they don’t take place before the Sentencing Hearing.  According to Mr. Alfonso’s response, Evans made requests to continue the Sentencing Hearing multiple days before he notified the Plaintiff of a conflict with the depositions (now we know why the Sentencing Hearing was moved).  I find it unethical to pull these tactics just because you’re involved in litigation.  That’s just not playing fair.     
Then Mr. Evans fired one back across, and stated that the “Plaintiff and its counsel” are engaging in “underhanded school yard tactics”, and once again made the claim that ESS is the “Plaintiff’s blog”!  You can’t just make allegations that preposterous without any evidence!  Oh wait, Mr. Evans did this in the Criminal Case too.  Remember when he claimed that the Ventura County Sheriff's office illegally gathered evidence or when he claimed that the Judge in the Criminal Case made multiple mistakes ruling on motions during the trial?  Stop trying to give my credit to someone else!  I worked hard, and spent a lot of time amassing my information from ESS investors, past ESS employees, government databases, and other tipsters.    

In his most recent brief, Mr. Evans claims that this blog defames him.  Apparently he underestimates the power of the internet and the truth.  Here’s how it works:  

I was contacted by a tipster that is an acquaintance of an employee at Intercoast Colleges.  That tipster notified me that Mr. Evans called this employee and threatened to sue them (that phone call is how they obtained Evan's name, and when they searched him on the internet they found my blog).  It wasn’t hard for me to search the internet (and btw Google isn’t the only search engine) and discover that Intercoast Colleges has a campus, randomly, in Portland, Maine.  Isn’t that the location constantly mentioned in his motions?  When you start connecting the dots you find out a lot more disturbing information located on multiple message boards that contain Evans' name and his association with Intercoast Colleges, but apparently Evans didn't feel the need to mention the other websites that discuss him and Intercoast Colleges (the website that I got my information from).  The only reason he mentions my blog is because he is trying to create a conspiracy that isn't there.    

In Mr. Evans' latest motion I should also point out that he questions the compassion in the Northern District of Texas.  Yikes!  I think the compassion stops when you start lying to the Court.  The Plaintiff’s counsel fired off another response to Mr. Evans' unfounded claims, and even points out that multiple statements made by Evans are not true, and he provides evidence to back up his claim.

These hostile motions are beginning to look identical to the one's filed by Evans and the U.S. Attorney in the Criminal Case.  I guess this is round two.   

I’ll keep everyone informed how this one turns out.

-ESS Investor

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