Thursday, January 6, 2011


So, Neil C. Evans (the counsel representing David Feuerborn) requested ANOTHER Motion to Continue their Criminal Case citing, once again, the illness of his father and father-in-law.  He wants to push the trial back to April!!!  This is an attorney who has been flying all over the country representing various clients on other cases, and is even representing David, Tom and Larry in the Texas Civil Case.  I know that I sound like a broken record, but how can he use the excuse that he doesn’t have enough time to devote to their Criminal Case if he is flying halfway across the United States to attending hearings in their Civil Case?!?!

Here are the real reasons he wants a continuance:

He wants to give Dave enough time to raise more money to pay for his legal defense by selling this scam to other investors (most likely overseas from the tips I have received).  Now they have a front-man, Larry Shultz, that is not facing criminal charges at the moment pitching their toxic chemical to third-parties to try and raise money. 

Common Sense:

If Neil Evans has so many personal issues going on then why doesn’t Dave hire different legal counsel to represent him in this matter?  For instance, if I hire an employee, and that employee is always making excuses why they can’t work, then I fire him/her.  This isn’t rocket science, and it seems like the justice system would not allow this huge miscarriage of justice to occur by allowing this inexcusable behavior.

I will keep everyone updated on the U.S. Attorney's response to this unbelievable new Motion.   

-ESS Investor

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